Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Our Last Indoor Playgroup (weather permitting)

Playgroup is moving to the park now that summer's here so today was our last day indoors (unless it rains some Wednesday). In the fall we'll be all done with playgroup although Nicolle made me promise to come visit occasionally.

To end the playgroup season with a bang, we had an icecream sundae party and man was it WILD in there today. and that was BEFORE we gave them any candy or icecream! The noise in there was a whole new level and since school's out, the bigger kids were there zipping around and adding to the craziness. and then we gave them the sugar.... LOL

The girls enjoyed this tasty treat (so did I for that matter!) and Lovey got upset when she set her bowl down and someone put her dishes in to be washed! I had to get her another one since she'd been unfairly robbed.

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