Saturday, June 27, 2009

Just when you thought you had a clean floor....

She loves us, she really loves us! Why else would she bring 47 itty bitty more pieces of plastic to MY HOME????????? Maggie you're too good to us :)

Maggie dropped in for a visit on Friday but couldn't find any FPP's she liked at the store but found Barbie Peekaboo Petites to give to the girls who of course COULDN'T have been more pleased. They managed to put them down to play the game Maggie brought in her glorious bag of tricks and then moved on to some finger painting. Maggie asked where I wanted to do the painting so I said "uhhh YOUR house??????" but somehow we ended up in my own kitchen..... ;)))

The painting went pretty well and with minimal mess and they were so pleased with their new artwork. They even wanted all the old stuff taken off the line to hang up their gigantic butterflies.

While they were cleaning up, Maggie got down to business. A job opportunity is coming up in her office and she had thought of me. It was incredibly flattering to be considered for this type of position but if I was able to do the job in the first place, then I wouldn't have needed her way back when, right? and there goes my "we are never leaving this program" stand that I maintained for 3 years :P So I had to let her down gently, besides I'm actually looking forward to being free of responsibilities for a few hours each day, day after day after day actually!

It was kind of funny because this is the second job opportunity that has come my way this week! I might have to get a T shirt made that says "I'm not bored yet!" ;)))) ha ha! Maggie was very understanding of my plan for the "year of selfishness" and actually suggested I might want to extend it to two. Thank you Maggie for considering me worthy to join your awesome team and I will keep it in mind for future.
After Maggie left, Lovey got all creative with the tissue paper in the gift bags and created herself this queen outfit. She was very pleased with her new outfit (notice the matching choker!) and I was really impressed at how she put it together! Sweetie's usually the resourceful one with junk around here and dressing herself up but on Friday Lovey was stylin'!!!!!!!
Friday was a pretty busy day for us. I got the kids & I to the gym in the morning, then back to our place for our fun visit with Maggie. Then some lunch, a bit of clean up and then Mumma was there! I didn't bother to run any errands and just decided to have a rest instead. I went in my room & zonked out for half an hour and then jumped in the shower to get ready for the wedding gig. I got to the hotel right at 4 & met Shooter Shelley up in the bride's room where she'd already gotten started with her detail shots.
It was a great wedding and I only made a couple minor screw ups. Right after I got there, I dropped a clipboard of her pose ideas and sheets started slipping out everywhere so I made a grab for it and knocked over a vase of water on the floor of the suite- thankfully the bouquet wasn't in it at the time and there wasn't too much water in it anyway. Then during the ceremony she gave me her 2nd camera to go get some shots of garden where the wedding was and then I just wandered around taking shots from different places & angles. Meanwhile, Shelley's down there looking for her other camera!!!! But hey, if you're going to give a shutterbug a cool camera, you better give her a limit if you actually want it back! :)
The couple was very relaxed and willing to try the different ideas Shelley had and they weren't stressed about time or anything. We got kicked off the property of one place TWICE that night. Apparently we could have staged an elaborate scheme with a fake bride & groom and been casing the joint & photographing all the entry & exit points for our heist later on. So if you see me walking around with the crown jewels in the near future, you'll know I'm not just some pretty, photographer's assistant. I'm a mastermind jewel thief!!!!!!! muahahahahaha!!!
Aside from that, everything went great and I sooooooo enjoyed the evening. She insists on paying me but I don't know why. I have no idea what I earned for that little job and I don't even care. (she's going to send me a cheque or something I think) It is so much fun and I greatly look forward to each one. Murray thinks it's crazy that my idea of a fun night out is lugging gear for somebody but as I always tell the girls, different people like different things! (for instance, some people like getting up at 5am & running around in the woods for 3 hours before most people are out of bed) I hope she gets more weddings so I can hang out with her again. :) I was home by 10ish, pretty tired but happy!

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