Wednesday, August 5, 2009


another adventure on our road! well not much "adventure" really, just a walk with Murphy!

They think it's quite something to put on their nighties and THEN go outside for the walk so this seems to be a new trend.

We had another good day at VBS! My kids are not in my group this year and it's made such a difference! I feel like I'm actually doing more than disciplining my own, I have time to yell at other people's kids now too :) kidding. However, I have already noticed the evidence of them being influenced by the older kids who already have a year of kindergarten under their belts! Yesterday Honey was quoting someone and said "and then she was like, 'I have to go!;" Omgosh, she's into teen speak after a day and a half!!??!? "she was LIKE?!?!??!?!" then today Lovey told me "I just LOVE High School Musical!", ummm since when? you've NEVER seen it!!!!!

The early mornings are taking a toll, especially since they've had a few late nights this week. They were in bed at a more decent time last night and I noticed a big improvement in the level of whininess today so sleep does help!

Today was another hectic, active, fun filled day though so we are getting a lot of enjoyment out of our summer!

At VBS today, the kids got a chance to talk into the microphone if they could give an example of a "God Sighting" or recite their scripture verse. Sweetie had her hand up first thing this morning but didn't get picked til the closing portion of the day. I was surprised that she'd be willing to go up and talk at all and was quite impressed when she relayed the whole Brown Eyed Susan story (although it was an abridged version!). They got to pick a prize out of the basket if they went up though so most of the kids are quite keen on it. She picked a decoration for her shoe that says "I Love Jesus". She could have had a spinning top like her sister or a bracelet and some other snazzy gear Nicole picked out to bribe these kids with but she thought the shoe thing was the best.

After VBS we met Nanny & Grampy and they took us to McD's for lunch where they got treated to a rare Happy Meal. Lovey opted out though as the Happy Meal only comes with 4 nuggets and she was hungrier than that. LOL Sweetie ate everything that came with her meal, plus Honey's fries. That kid can really put it away! When we got home it was sunny & hot so it was a pool day!!!!!! Nanny & Grampy got them the pool for their birthday last summer but have never seen the kids in action and I think they were a little impressed with their swimming skills :) They were showing off all their best moves for their new audience of course.

Sweetie cracked me up this morning when she checked her hair in the mirror and said "ughhhhh! Mummy! I LOOK like an ICE CREAM!!!!" Fighting back intense giggles, I had to go out into the hallway to see exactly what "ice cream" hair would be like. Apparently it's when your hair's all fluffed up and sticking out, round like a scoop of ice cream.

I thought the floor installer guy was coming today to finish off the basement but he got tied up on another job and couldn't make it after all so I wasted my precious free time waiting around on a callback about that and never got to the gym at all on my afternoon off. However, I got most of the front lawn mowed so it wasn't a total loss.

Not only did we get treated to lunch today but supper was provided as well! Nanny must have spent an entire day in the kitchen yesterday. She brought Chicken Pot Pie, 2 loaves of homemade brown bread, a batch of chocolate chip cookies and a load of cupcakes to boot. Don't that just beat all???? In the six hours they were here, that's a lot of spoiling for us! We cleaned up in the food category for sure. I spent every minute up til soccer mowing the lawn that I didn't actually get to sample anything until after the kids went to bed but when they did, I had quite a feast!

The girls were a bit tired & hot at soccer. These busy days are taking their toll! Nanny & Grampy left right from the field and I brought the girls home, read stories & chucked 'em into bed so I could get at that supper!

All the pictures are from yesterday, today was a blur and I didn't even have a chance to think of getting the camera out. I think Grampy got some good footage though! If only he had a blog.... ;)))

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