Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Welcome to THE SHOW!

The girls decided to put together a little production after supper and made posters, got wardrobe changes lined up, set up a curtain and were soon ready for the big opening!

(poster reads: Big show, 3 parts I'm sure you will like it)
Sweetie seemed to be the director as the other two followed her lead and played along with the story line. There wasn't even any fighting or one bit of disagreement throughout the whole show. They picked up on the dialogue and filled in as they went but no squabbles!

The show had 3 parts. In the first part, Honey was a cat and the other two chased her. I think that was about it for the first act. Once that was over, they grabbed their next costume and dove into the dressing room (aka behind the LaZboy) to change.

The 2nd act began with a rock star (Sweetie) and I think a fairy and I'm not sure what Honey's character was supposed to be. The grand finale of this act was their star dance.

Here they come flying out of their dressing room going into the 2nd act :)
The third and final act saw them all invited to a ball at the castle! Woohoo! Our favourite activity. We just can't get enough of these royal engagements and luckily have the garb for just such an occasion.

Between acts and waiting backstage for the curtain (aka dalmation blanket) to go up.

The final piece de resistance, the star dance! An amazing collaboration here tonight! and for future reference, we were asked to complete a questionnaire after the show.
We had to write out what our favourite parts were. :))) Thorough bunch huh?

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