Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What a whine-oh!

The whining is about enough to drive me the rest of the way crazy! It is particularly bad on Sweetie's part. Any little thing sets off a tirade, mismatched socks, crooked bangs, an unappetizing meal etc will have her on the floor, screaming, whining and crying.

The other night I'd just had it with all the fussing about such ridiculous things! I told her I was going to start keeping track. Every time she whines about something, I'm putting down a little tickmark. If I get to five, Bunny sleeps in my room for the night!

Boys oh boys did THAT get her attention! With about a week in, I've only gotten Bunny one night and she's refraining like crazy! Most days I only get one or two marks, some days she's been up to four but for the most part she is really holding it in. I try to warn her before she gets going and have been really playing it up that I loooooooooooooove to catch her and I get bored when I'm not getting many tickmarks and she is determined that I won't "win"!

One night at supper I saw her getting geared up and said

Me: I haven't gotten to make any marks lately!!! don't you feel like whiiiiiiiiiiiiiining about something?????

Sweetie: (scrunching up her face & sticking it close to mine) No! do you feel like looooooooooooooooooosing????????????????

She cackles when I complain about not having many marks in a day and the other two are supporting her all the way. "C'mon, let's help Sweetie so Mumma will lose! You can do it Sweetie!! we're going to help you!!!"

We've gone from 492 outbreaks from her a day, down to 1-4. It is a remarkable change and I hope it lasts! I can definitely see her thinking about her reaction as things bother her. Much more effort is being put into using words instead of just screaming every time something isn't to her liking. It's been an amazing and fast transformation. I do feel slightly guilty using Bunny against her but I can't argue with the progress so far!

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