Saturday, July 3, 2010

Sweet Shirley :)))

Shirley was away when the girls had their birthday so she wasn't able to make it to the family party. Instead she dropped in to visit the other day and brought a few special items :)))

The girls were very anxious for her to arrive. I'd gotten them to do some cleanup so there would be actual space to sit in the living room. During that bout of harsh child labour, Sweetie exclaimed "I wish we had a housekeeper!!!!!!!!" When I asked her why, she responded "So I'd never have to pick up stuff!" Yeah, you and me both baby.
New dress the doll books, cool! Lots of goodies to play with and we watched the new movie on a recent car trip. As soon as it was over, Lovey wanted to start it and watch it again so it was a hit!

The best part of this visit was that we were actually able to do something for Shirley for a change. Now in the grand scheme of things, we'll never never never be able to repay the kindnesses shown to us from any of our baby days volunteers but on the odd occasion that we're able to give them a hand with something, it sure feels good! Shirley had upgraded her home internet service and needed some drivers (or some fandangled thing) updated. She'd spent many hours on the phone with tech support all to no avail. She left her laptop with us and Murray got stuff downloaded, took it back over to her house, got the tech people on the phone and got everything in working order. I tried to do some of it while she was there but we ran out of time and expertise :S and thought we'd better wait for Murray to get home.

Thank you Shirley, for everything you've done and given and shared and thank you especially for letting us help you in this small way.

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