Monday, January 10, 2011

Operation Ambush!

The day started off so nicely! We played and baked cookies together, all so sweet and nice!
Then, Teena & Boo came for a visit this afternoon. We haven't seen them for awhile and when I mentioned they were coming, Honey demanded to know why I hadn't told them about it as soon as they woke up!

Once they got here, at least 4 million plastic beads were hauled out to create some magnificent jewelry masterpieces! Teena & I were sitting in the livingroom, chatting away when we heard half those beads hit the floor. We sort of cringed, but then we hear the kids scrambling around, gathering everything up and when we went in later, there wasn't anything out of place!
Once the jewelry shop closed down, they got out the Foamfetti and tried to make some creations with it. I thought playdoh was messy! This stuff is crazy! Somebody chewed up a bunch of those foam craft sheets, spat them out all slimy & sticky and then stirred in a bit of glue and mass produced it as a "fun craft" material. It looks great on the box but I have no idea how they made any of those things, other than the ball. THAT I've managed. The rest must be digitally created because when you grab a handful of this stuff, it bonds its gooeyness to your hands and doesn't want to let go. I encouraged them to make BIG stuff today :))) but we still have some left for another Foamfetti filled adventure! LOL
Once we disentangled ourselves from that, we got them in their snowsuits to go play outside. They asked us NOT to come out with them yet. A sure sign they're up to no good! We didn't mind though and it took awhile to get the Foamfetti off the ceiling anyway. Finally they asked if we'd come out and see what they'd made. As we came around the corner into the backyard, they were all clustered around whatever it was they'd worked on. I could see they'd put mittens on the creation so I was guessing it was a snowman. They kept telling us to come closer and closer and closer until it was too late. We'd been had! Yes, there was a snowman, wearing a hat, mitts and scarf BUT right beside it was a huge pile of snowballs ready for launching and they were letting them fly. We'd walked right into their trap and they were so giddy with delight that they could hardly concentrate on the attack! They eventually pulled themselves together and chased us around the yard until Lovey came at me while we were near the artillery storage area and I knocked her into it and crushed all their supplies!

At supper time they decided that Monday nights were now going to be candle light dinner nights. They each got some little fruit shaped tea lights in their stockings (yeah, not sure what Santa was thinking there, must have been a temporary leave of his senses or something). Anyway we got through the meal with only one minor singe incident.

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