Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Baby Pinecone!

Have you met Baby Pinecone? You'd think you would remember him if you had. Such a distinctive name would be memorable right? Well, you might not know him by this little term of endearment. Bunny made it up awhile ago and it's not catching on very well outside of triplet circles. It gives them great bursts of merry giggles whenever they say it. Even if you have heard it, you probably haven't been able to make out what they're saying. If you did understand it, you probably didn't believe it was really anyone's name anyway.

After supper we stopped to watch Baby Pinecone's curling game for a couple of ends before heading home for bed. They really enjoyed watching him on the ice and were not happy to leave before the game was over. Bunny had her nose pressed right up to the glass, she was so excited to watch Baby Pinecone in action!

I think Baby Pinecone enjoyed his cheering section!

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