Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Dance Show!

We went to the girls dance show this weekend! They've been practicing week after week, getting their choreography down. Their costumes were fairly simple but still things we didn't really own! I borrowed one black skirt, found 1 shirt in a bag of clothes someone had given us, got one skirt & shirt at the used shop and had to break down and buy one new shirt at the store yesterday when nothing turned up anywhere else! (don't worry, I didn't pay full price, 30% off sale, chah-ching!)

The girls were quite excited to get ready although we had to push them out the door without dessert to make it there on time. (there goes parents-of-the-year again). They rushed to get their shoes on and were very excited when Lovey's friend TT loaned them each a pair of "bubble socks" to use in the show. She even brought over her sock glue and helped them ensure the socks would stay up during all the jumping and dancing around. She must have done a very good job because those socks didn't budge an inch and we'll be peeling off the glue residue all week! :)))

They did a great job in their show and loved watching the older girls do their numbers. The hard shoe dances were by far the favourites of the day. On the way home I asked if any of them would want to do hard shoe someday. Immediately Honey piped up with "who WOULDN'T want to do hard shoe Mum??!?!??!?" Silly me!


Anonymous said...

Good times!!!

Anonymous said...

Oops! Forgot to sign my name; it's not anonymous, it's Teena!