Thursday, December 15, 2011

Show Time!

 We went to see the school Christmas concerts and they were sooooo good! Their music teacher does an amazing job with all the groups. The songs are all cute & funny, the costumes are always simple but tie in well with their pieces. I think it says a lot about her that when the Boys Choir came out to sing, there were 30-40 of them in the group! I watched the first few file out onto the risers, then another row and they just kept coming and coming out of the wings. Their number was also fantastic but of course I think the grade 2's were the best show in town!!!

Honey & Sweetie were in the same group and they sang Reindeer Rap which was super cute and they were doing some funky moves up there. They lyrics were pretty fast but I'd heard them plenty in the last few weeks so I could make out the words.

Sweetie's in the middle row just below the big blank space. Honey's in the same row, to the far right below the last reindeer on top. She was lifting her sunglasses trying to peek out at the crowd to find us I think!

Lovey's class & some other grade 2's did "I wanted a dog" and she was so excited and could barely contain herself from telling us the funny ending (the kid takes his baby sister to the exchange window & trades her in for a puppy LOL).

Honey was nervous this morning when she was leaving for school but she had the best moves on stage as far as I could tell and was really into it. Sweetie was concentrating so hard on getting her words out that she forgot she was supposed to be busting a move up there!

As they exited the stage, they were madly scanning the crowd, trying to make sure we'd all shown up! We were too far back though and they couldn't find us. After it was over, we walked over to the school and visited them in their classrooms and told them we'd loved the show. As we were leaving we overheard another kid say "wow! your mom and your dad AND your grandmother came to see you!!??!? lucky!!!" Yep, it's official, we're freaking awesome!!! :)))

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