Monday, March 5, 2012

Movie Night!

Still suffering effects of the flu here! No major meals this weekend, sticking with bland as much as possible and had pancakes for supper last night.Then the girls decided to live dangerously and have popcorn for a snack but ran into a snag when Murray went looking for the microwave popcorn and came up empty handed. I had to be called in. Stovetop popped corn is beyond his area of expertise, he's never done it! He saw it for the first time (that he remembers anyway) a couple weeks ago when I left the pot on the stove for a minute and ran to grab a towel or something. He came to find me and asked "are you making popcorn on the stove?" I thought maybe he was annoyed about something and then I realized he was incredulous! I cracked up right then and there. My darling rocket scientist husband didn't know how to pop corn without an electronic gizmo!

Sweetie and Honey thought this whole thing was hilarious and insisted on making the popcorn themselves (everybody likes to feel smarter than the resident genius once in awhile!) Lovey must have been deeply engrossed in her video game or she'd have been all over this too.

We watched an old movie from the 80's, The Goonies. I saw it in high school so that's going back a tad! They liked most of it but found some of the parts a bit scary but it all worked out in the end so there weren't any nightmares luckily!

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