Thursday, September 19, 2013


We  hit the fair this year! We missed it last year because it rained on the one day we planned to go. They were pumped to get in there this year and I had Teena to hang out with so I had fun too! Lovey was too nervous to go on most of the rides. She has never liked the sensation in her stomach from all the twirling and whipping around. Everyone else LOVED that of course so most of the rides picked were ones she wasn't willing to try. A couple of times she got on with her friend from school and then bailed just before the ride started. The first time that happened, the friend stayed on but got paired with a random boy who wanted on and she was NOT impressed. The next time Lovey abandoned ship, she got out too!

Lovey picked  a few rides she remembered liking from her last visit but they were too tame for her this year and the other girls were bored to tears (see Sweetie in the swing picture LOL).

Eventually she braved one of the rides by herself while the others were trying a different one and it wasn't as bad as she thought so she started going on the others but it was almost time to go home by then. She never did get on this one below. By the time she was ready, we had finished for the day! Maybe next year!

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