Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas II

After the morning of events at our house, we had our Belgian waffle lunch (mmmm, strawberries, chocolate sauce and whipped cream toppings!) and then got ready for our next Christmas at my parents' place!

After eating, I made the kids all go in separate rooms with the blinds drawn and lay down to rest. That early start could have meant disaster later! They were sure they didn't need one but somehow decided to humour me. They all fell asleep and I let them stay in bed til I finished cleaning the kitchen so they had a good half hour or so.

We arrived wearing our Christmas headgear which my brother always loves to see! "are they wearing those stupid hats AGAIN?!?!??!" haha! Making Uncle Dale proud at least 10 years in a row now I think! What's not to like about a super cool hat like this?!??!? Once we'd gotten through being spoiled with gifts there, we were treated to a yummy turkey dinner! I loooooooooooooove turkey dinner!!!!!!!!! and mashed potatoes annnnnnnd gravy annnnnnnnd ok you get the idea. But it was soooooooooo gooooooood!!! and dessert..... ahhhhh! delicious!

We were pretty tired out by the end of the day but we definitely had a great Christmas (except maybe that business about the banana which we'll just block out for now...)

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