Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Living up to her name!

Weekly chores are hard to fit in some weeks so whenever I see a window, I usually push them through it! Last night the other two had hockey practice so I suggested that Sweetie cook dinner and get one job in early this week. At first she said yes but then felt the pull of the tv or her iPod or whatever and wasn't as keen. Knowing what's on the docket around here, I explained that there wasn't going to be much free time later on and almost none on the weekend and she might not get them done if she didn't get started. She grudgingly agreed.

Once she got going, she was as happy as a clam! It wasn't even a meal she'd picked but she enjoyed mixing her spices and making the sauce to baste the tenderloin. I was able to wash all the dishes while she worked beside me. She browned the meat, transferred it to the baking dish, spread the basting sauce on, set the oven and put it in to bake, then measured her rice & water and got that into the microwave and snapped her beans while those things cooked. I did help snap the beans once I'd finished the washing up and gave some instruction on parts she wasn't sure of but the rest was all her!

After she'd gone to bed that night, I read the lunch list she'd made for me. (keeping track of who likes what for lunch has proven to be beyond me so if they want a lunch they like, they have to make a list. If they don't, they're not allowed to complain if they get the wrong flavour of yoghurt or I mix up the crackers they like/don't like). Sweetie often writes me little messages on her lunch list and this one was pretty cute!

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