Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Never Ending Birthday : )))

Wow talk about partying!! It's Sunday night and we've had birthday cake and presents two days in a row & we're not done yet! The actual birthday isn't til tomorrow and we've got one more party to go.

Murray's parents arrived Friday night just in time for cheeseburgers, I'd gotten back late from my grocery run so everything was a little off schedule but not too bad. The kids had a later bedtime than usual but no problems. I stayed up waaaaaaaaaay too late but luckily got to sleep in Saturday morning (woohoo!). It was a good thing though because I spent the rest of the day making cakes & getting food ready. Murray actually took over the nacho preparation while I put on the finishing touches.

Throughout the day the girls got presents from different people. Their new bikes were presented after lunch and weren't as big a thrill as we'd expected. These are some fancy schmancy bikes too! They have Ariel, a clamshell compartment for storage, sparkly streamers and beads on the handlebars... but only got a ho hum reaction. Want to know what really got them revved up? Some fish that swim in the pool when you pull their string. Nancy said they cost all of $2!

The other big hit was TJ the story telling bear. He comes with books and cartridges that you pop in and Auntie KK & Uncle Paul got them each another book/cartridge that came with an accessory for the bear to use while telling each story. Sweetie got a camera and was in 7th heaven, Honey got a flashlight that she loves & even takes to bed with her & Lovey got a walkie talkie that she's pretty sure is a flashlight as well!

Supper was ready around our regular time & we were all quite hungry so we tucked in to those and then dug into the cake. The girls were quite pleased with their individual cakes & the rest of us were pleased to eat the large, untouched by sticky slimy toddler hands, cake!

Uncle Andrew & Aunt Mandy made it for supper also so there were still more presents after we ate. They brought a play mat that looks like a map & at least 10 dinky cars to go with it. The girls loved driving the cars all over the "city"!

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