Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Another day, a new experience!

You know, I constantly avoid things that I think will be too hard, too inconvenient, too much hassle etc. I have to sortof giggle inwardly whenever people look at me in awe & say "I don't know how you do it!" because, most of the time, I just don't do it. I don't attempt the hard stuff in order to avoid potential disaster. Normal people run out for errands and appointments all the time with their kids. I just don't go until Murray's home to watch them. I haven't had a personal doctor's appointment in over 3 years because my doctor doesn't have evening hours & doesn't see adults on Fridays, the day I can run out & do stuff on my own. So, today, I decided to try & be brave and take them with me to my eye appointment. I got them to each bring a story book & I packed their favourite treat and brought along their little notebooks that they doodle in. I knew it was going to be a short appointment & I thought we could do it. And we did! My first instinct was to get Murray to leave work early & keep them at home while I ran in but it didn't make sense for him to come home an hour early for my 10 minute appointment. I had a hard time talking myself into doing it though, I always assume everything is impossible! They were super though. They sat quietly on the bench in the waiting room & looked at their books, then came with me while I tried on a pair of lenses. They just followed along wherever I went. Once it was time to see the Dr. they came in & each sat in a chair while he checked the fit of the lenses. They were perfectly behaved & just ate their little snack (ok, so I cheated a bit but all's fair in war!) and then we left. It would have been a total waste of Murray's time to babysit while I did that. So, if you're one of those people who think that I'm "impressive", think again, I'm actually a BIG CHICKEN & wimp out every chance I get!

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