Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fun & Games!

Life in the fast lane is never dull : ))) We had a pretty good day with only minor blow ups so I can't complain.

They did all their jobs this morning quite willingly which was nice. (eat breakfast, brush teeth, get dressed, make beds. nothing too arduous or unreasonable... yet) and then they played all sorts of crazy pretend stuff while I cleaned up the kitchen & got myself ready for the day (brushed my teeth, made my bed blah blah blah).

Honey requested that we play cousin C's boardgame that is now ours, Franklin Goes to School. This is supposedly for preschool to age 8. You have to spin the spinner to move your character, then you get a question card, if you get your question right, you get to move one additional bonus space. If you land on a report card space, then you have more questions........ well. We each had one turn before that got to be too much to keep track of for them and they lost interest and moved on to musical instruments. Honey used the tinkertoy drum, Sweetie got out Murray's old ukelele and Lovey was on keyboard.

Eventually the band died down & they moved on to watching some tv while I worked on some CD's & then got lunch ready. Sweetie ploughed through an entire grilled ham & cheese before I could blink! This was after she pounded 3/4 of a kiwi into her too. She was hungry! and took care of another half a sandwich before she was content. It's hard to believe that the littlest one is the biggest eater.

After lunch I disregarded their protests and took them outside where they played for over an hour so I don't know what all the fuss was about! Lovey tried to tell me she was cold and she might have had me there had she not added that she needed to go inside to watch tv! Here's what she thought of staying outside! LOL
someone's rather optimistic about spring's arrival!

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