Friday, December 19, 2008

More Preparations!

We did a little more decorating today, boxed up the candy to take to our neighbours & a whole lotta hyping ourselves up on Christmas! The girls are getting so excited. Every day they're checking to see how many days left. When they get tired of that, they start asking "how many days will be left when it's tomorrow?????"

Murray went to meet his dad and pick up the presents from them & brought home a truckload. Nooooo we're not spoiled much at all. When they helped move the gifts from the entryway & down to the tree, they were soooooo pumped up. Every time they found a present with their name on it, it was a huge thrill. The gifts had been bagged together according to who it was for. Lovey & Honey's bags were the first ones unloaded from the car & so were the first ones that the girls were unpacking. Poor Sweetie was convinced the Nanny & Grampy had forgotten her! Finally we got to the bag that had hers in it & of course, Honey & Lovey promptly forgot that they'd already taken 47 armloads of presents for themselves & burst into tears when suddenly ALL the presents were for Sweetie and "none" for them. No wonder we don't remember much about being 4 years old, it's TOUGH! LOL

The downside to all this excitement is that it tends to leave them a little on the volatile side. They expend so much energy bouncing off the walls that they come down quickly and are in tears over the smallest things. Overall, we're enjoying the wonder & magic of it all as we celebrate this season though! : )

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