Monday, February 23, 2009

New Heights!

More snow! We got quite a pile last night. The rec room window is completely blocked and the drift is reaching the upstairs window in the living room now.... and I don't think Mother Nature is done yet. Murray's been out shovelling most of the evening with a short break for story time. Brian Fellows, from down the street brought his new snowblower down the street for a test drive & took care of one end of the driveway where the plow had gone by. This was a bank that Murray had to CLIMB up and over to get into the driveway tonight. It took 20 minutes of snowblowing to clear it. Good thing Murray likes a good work out & good thing the neighbours are helpful!

Murphy can't get out the back door and I've been sending him out the front door today. Around 4:45, he decided it must be almost time for Murray to come home and he ran out and parked himself by the big tree with his nose pointed down the road and looked like he was ready to wait for him. I didn't trust him not to chase after the plow or the neighbours out shovelling and had to call him in. He wasn't too keen on that idea though.

and something's up with Sweetie.... this morning when she woke up she complained that her forehead hurt & that she was hot & her legs were wiggly. I gave her some acetaminophen & she seemed ok the rest of the day til supper when she mentioned feeling funny & jiggly legs again. She crashed into bed at 6 pm, 2 hours before bedtime. Never a good sign so we'll see what comes next.
On top of all this fun & games, we've been having trouble with our water. For quite some time, we haven't been able to run it for long before it turns brown. If the girls have a bath, the tap water is sketchy for the rest of the day. Murray contacted a well company to ask if our pump might have slid down too low & they thought it was more likely an iron eating bacteria and gave us info on shocking the well (apparently this is supposed to be done every 6 months so it's good that we're only 8 years behind schedule on this! who knew???). So on Saturday night, in went the bleach. Sunday afternoon we drained it all out, this took hours. It started out looking similar in colour to Coke and eventually got clearer & the bleach smell disappeared. All good!!!!!! Nope. Sunday night the water was still murky and this morning it was brown again. I turned on all our taps, hot & cold for another 2 hours this morning and it seemed to help but we'll see what it looks like tomorrow. Oh and did I mention we ran out of milk for the kids today? home. trapped inside. all day. no water. no milk. hello TV & juice day :)

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