Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Poor Sweetie!

She is NOT feeling well today but hasn't been too miserable about it and mostly just slept all day. We took her sisters to school & on the way home she got sick but since she hadn't eaten much since yesterday at breakfast, the mess was minimal (bonus!) but Bunny took most of the hit (oh noooooooo!). She napped until it was time to go back & get them, skipped lunch and went back to bed shortly after we got home. She woke up before supper, thought it was late at night because her blind was down & got her pj's on. She came out to tell me & was really confused by all the sunlight in the living room! She asked if she'd missed supper. She stayed up for half an hour or so and then went back to bed just before supper and woke up just before I went to the gym at 7. She went back to bed at 8 when her sisters did & was the first one asleep.

Since Sweetie was in bed I didn't want to go outside with Lovey & Honey but they were really good today & played "Genevieve" Barbie downstairs for awhile, then watched a movie and played some board games. I only heard one squabble and they resolved it themselves. They then worked on their Princess activity books and Honey decided she wanted to try the word search game. Triiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicky!

Murray is totally exhausted tonight! He was out shovelling til about midnight & then came in & did some of his side line programming work for another couple of hours. He must have put in 4-5 hours of shovelling last night & he's back out there tonight. He wants to get the mailbox cleared out because there's a paycheque on the way for that sideline stuff :). Just as I was putting Sweetie in the car to go back to the school this morning, the plow went by and threw a whack of snow back into the driveway and made me late for Honey & Lovey. I just stared at the pile for a minute, looking around desperately for some reachable place to put it! Everything's so high on the sides, you have to climb a mountain WHILE pushing one in the scoop! blech! I did the bare minimum and don't envy Murray all this work. Lucky for me he enjoys it so ;)))

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