Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Round 3 for me? UN-believable!

I seriously cannot believe that I'm feeling under the weather again! Yesterday I was feeling really tired & had a little rest while the girls watched their movie. Today I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer & at 4pm I crashed again. Honey came home from playgroup and went straight to bed and slept all afternoon, up for a bit around supper time, ate nothing & back down she went. It's not even 10pm and I've been wanting to go to bed for almost an hour but Murray is out at hockey so I have to do one more bathroom trip or there'll be a flood in someone's bed!

My head is achy, my stomach is questionable, I'm dead tired, when I turn my head I get dizzy and my legs feel weak. I'm trying to remain optimistic but I have a feeling there's some praying to the porcelain in my near future.... so far Lovey's not showing any symptoms and she's had a great day. She & Honey both ran around like mad at playgroup having a blast. I felt bad that we've been cooped up for a few days, between raging blizzards and Sweetie being sick, they haven't been able to play outside since I don't know when. Sweetie was feeling & acting much better this morning but then barely left my lap at playgroup but I was pretty much ready for that and went with the "greater good" theory. Carla G is probably going to kill me but I did try to keep my distance from the baby!!! Sweetie stayed awake all day but fell asleep just before supper and napped for a couple of hours before waking for a little snack, ¼ of a popsicle and a few crackers. She also had a few Rice Krispies for bkfast but that's it for today. Her fever has disappeared though so I'm hoping that means she's pretty much done.

Lovey spent some time with me in the kitchen, working on Mighty Minds. It's a game/puzzle/tangram thing. You have to use geometric shapes to make pictures or other shapes. There are 30 cards and increase in difficulty with each card. Once I went through the first couple with her, she wanted no more input from me and whipped through & finished #18 and showed Murray when he got home. She was pretty proud of herself and I was more than a little impressed myself (mommy goggles, I know!). She did another 2 or 3 after supper with Murray and when he tried to do one himself, she interrupted so much with "help" that he gave up!

Honey woke up at one point in the afternoon and came out to rest in the rocking chair, needing a cuddle with me. Once I sat down, I realized we'd forgotten her animal and I asked Lovey if she'd help her sister feel better & get it for me. She ran down the hall to the bedroom and came back with 2 of them to make her feel "extra" better. Then with a little twinkle in her eye and a smirky smile, she zipped back down to their bedroom. She reappeared a few minutes later in this outfit, making goofy noises and walking funny.
She said she wanted to make Honey laugh so she'd feel happier. Honey wasn't feeling well enough to appreciate this touching effort but did let out some giggles when I asked her what she thought of Princess Ballhead ;) Sometimes, they just do the cutest things for each other, awwwww!

Ok, the hour is up & it's time for flood prevention duty & then I'm hitting the hay. Wish me luck tonight!

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