Monday, March 16, 2009

and we're off!

another week started & another Monday survived. Mondays always feel harder to me although they're probably not much different than other week days. It's just that it is THE furthest point from the weekend! With all those days stretching out in front of me that I'm responsible for, it sometimes leaves me feeling pressured with how to fill them. What will we do? Where will we go? How can I make it fun????
Yesterday was plenty busy and no worries about filling it! We went to church in the morning, just the girls & I. Murphy is able to hop over the fence so Murray stayed home to make sure wouldn't escape and go visiting the neighbours again. After church there was a congregational meeting that started late and lasted 3 hours! We got back to our house just in time to pick up the boys and get to my parents' for supper. (and a yummy one at that!) Then when we got home it was the kids' bedtime and that was that! A couple of the moms looked after the kids whose parents were attending the meeting and the girls said they had a lot of fun playing with everyone but that it sure was a long time! When we got home there was a voicemail from Nicolle telling me how good the kids had been and how impressed she'd been with them etc. I played the message for the girls and they thought that was something!!! :)))

They went to school today & I went to the gym and also got them registered for gymnastics. They're excited about starting that again and luckily they had a family discount so that made the cost a little better!

Lovey had an eye appointment today. They wanted to check her since it's been a year from her last visit and there was some question about her depth perception last time. She did fine this time around so there's no more worry about that. She's far sighted but the doctor said pretty much all kids are at that age & most outgrow it soon. She got a free pair of sunglasses so the other two were a little miffed about that but for being so good at the office, they all got to have a little treat when we got home so they got over it.
Since there's still light after supper, Murray took them all out to play for a bit while I cleaned up and they played for quite awhile, enjoying this unusual activity!!

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