Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Helping Haiti

We've all heard a lot about Haiti lately and the school decided to raise some money to send. The older classes brought baked goods and trinkets and the younger grades were allowed to bring a quarter to spend at the bake/yard sale.

Sweetie thought this little skeleton pencil was soooooooooo cute. She decided that sleeping with it could give her nightmares though!
Lovey obviously went for the treat instead of the trinket and scarfed down a brownie before she got home :)))

Honey got this "angel" that she really liked because of the feathered wings. Upon closer inspection, the angel turned out to be a winged monkey or something...
Oh well we still like it!

When Lovey walked into the kitchen this morning I was afraid she'd gotten the chicken pox! They've been vaccinated against it and she had no other symptoms or any other spots except her face. She must be having some kind of reaction to some soap or something I guess??

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