Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sunny Days! :)))

We're quickly falling into the summer habits! Every day when the kids get home from school they want to hit the pool asap. Luckily they don't have homework anymore this year so we're free to goof off like that! The bugs make being outdoors tricky, unless you're on the move all the time though! The kids go back & forth between the pool and trampoline but still get eaten alive as we discover each night after they come in!

The kids next door & Tulip down the street were all over here Friday afternoon and Tulip ended up staying for supper and we walked her home afterwards. She was very excited about her birthday party coming up!

We got home and had lots of time to read Anne of Avonlea and do manicures :) After that, they wanted to read in bed for awhile, so they were quite cozy and content after their busy day!

They're little bookworms now! Honey has read through every Ramona book we have and seems to need new material every other day. They all take a book to read on the bus ride to & from school. They used to wave to me as the bus drove by but they already have their noses buried by that point. When they get home, we have to call them to put their books away and get off the bus, they don't look up to see that it's their stop! Maybe we took the whole "raise a reader" thing a little too seriously!!! :)))

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