Saturday, January 21, 2012

Not on HER watch!

My heart is just about bursting with how proud I am of this little girl today!!! Sweetie came home from school and had a story about recess.

S: Mummy? Today on the playground I was with Acorn, waiting for Lovey.
Me: oh that's nice!
S: yeah, but then these 2 other kids came and started talking about Acorn.
Me: what happened???
S: they said "Her eyes are all weird and stuff. LOOK at her!!!!"
Me:awwwww,was Acorn upset????
S: and then I said to them, "Don't say that, it's not nice. She doesn't like to talk about that!!!!"
Me: You DID??????? What did they say????
S: nothing. they just left.
Me: Sweetie that is an awesome thing you did!!! You are a great friend! I am incredibly proud of you for saying that and standing up for Acorn. She probably felt much better after you did that.
S: well she was looking down at the ground, kind of sad and said "nobody likes me because of my eyes" but I told her "I DO! I like you A LOT Acorn!!!!"
Me: Sweetie, that was just the right thing to say. 

Then I just about hugged the crap out of her and plastered her with kisses!!!! It's so easy to stand by and let other people get away with stuff like that. She can be so timid sometimes, I was surprised that she spoke up. She said she didn't yell at them or get upset which would also be easy to do. She held it together and let them know that talking like that was NOT ok. I hope they listened!

Good job Sweetie, Mummy & Daddy think you're a wonderful girl!!!!

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