Sunday, January 15, 2012

Artists in Residence

We broke out the new paint sets yesterday and the girls painted up a storm. errrr I mean let their creativity flow! Many excellent pieces were quickly created! They were so fabulous in fact, that Sweetie decided they needed to have an art show!

They got their canvases prepared for showing and set up a gallery in the living room. Their best piece was placed in a special glass case in a prominent position in the gallery. We were trying to clean up supper while they got their show ready and you know how temperamental artists are! I wasn't moving fast enough for them and they were having a hard time containing their excitement. I was finally ready & had my camera set up to capture the grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony!

Luckily, there were signs to guide us along the way so we didn't get lost in that place!

 Here's the main display area (sheesh! you'd think they'd clean up a little for opening night!?!?!)

Artistes du jour...

and this little artist had some concerns about her invitation to a soiree the next night and really wasn't sure if she should go to Grammie's sleepover party or not. What if she missed us TOO much??? (and I'm only putting this in here so that in her teenage years, I can show her and say "See? used to be you couldn't bear to be away from me!!!!")

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