Thursday, March 15, 2012

Headed for Home

All weekend long, Honey kept disappearing for long stretches and eventually we'd notice (hey, we're good parents like that!) and go looking for her. Each time, she was in the basement, playing with old Star Wars figures! She couldn't get enough of these guys! Every single chance she got, she was down there even when the other kids were off playing other stuff or watching TV.

 Some last minute playtime with Mr. Bojangles before we left!
 Nanny packed us a picnic lunch but when we stopped to eat it was very chilly outside so we suspended our "no eating in the car" rule and snacked as we drove. Murray ordered his very first Tim Horton's coffee (and won a free one!) and found out that he does not know his wife's favourite doughnut! Together since 1996 and he's never noticed that I always get a chocolate dip??? (he generally prefers a chocolate chocolate dip himself :P )

When we got home, we needed to stretch our legs so we went for our first bike ride of 2012. Unfortunately, 3/5 bikers forgot all the biking skills they acquired in 2011. Two out of the three were able to re-learn without much delay. That only left one girl, one stubborn, do it her way, make no progress, start with the wrong pedal up, take no advice girl. Now I don't want to mention any names or anything but ...
(ahem, cough, cough------------>).

There's just no helping some people, they just have to do it for themselves!

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