Friday, March 16, 2012

Spring Training Has Begun!

The girls got talking about the 1km race coming up this summer and asked if they could do a practice run  Even Sweetie decided to give it a try. (could have knocked me over with a feather when she asked if she could practice too).

Of course everyone took off like a shot as soon as they hit the road. Sweetie was gone, almost out of sight in no time. Honey was achey and out of breath in no time. She was so discouraged when she realized how effortlessly Sweetie was zipping along. Lovey had no concerns and no big ambitions. She paused frequently to dance, twirl, flap her ladybug arms and buzz as she ran along, completely content to be out with us and having fun.

Honey had run too hard starting off and quickly had pains in her shins and was taking her "defeat" awfully hard. The kicker? "Sweetie doesn't even care about being fast!!!!!! Not FAIR, NOT FAIR!!! Why is it easy for her? How come her legs aren't hurting? She doesn't even CARE about running!"

She was right. Sweetie was just pleased to fly along enjoying the thrill of the speed. She did feel bad that Honey was so upset  and slowed down for the next 1km run a few minutes later so Honey could pass her for a few minutes but in the end didn't hold back and blazed on ahead. I explained to Honey that Sweetie doesn't want to race but is naturally gifted with good running legs. I told her that Sweetie would be a great help to her while training, that running with someone who is a bit faster would benefit her. She'd be more likely to increase her own speed by having Sweetie run with her. She seemed to like that idea, until Sweetie mentioned that she might actually go in the race too. Instant panic & despair: "I don't WANT Sweetie in the race!!!!!" (she stands to lose her 1st place standing in that age category and now feels quite threatened but wasn't feeling much heat from Lovey apparently!)

 Sweetie checking on her lead.
 Honey should probably ditch the hat, too much drag!
 la la la buzzzzzzzzz, la la la... oh take one like this Mummy!

 The last leg of the 2nd km and Honey takes the lead for awhile!
 The ended up going for a 1km run for a 3rd time that night, although Lovey never completed a full km after the first one. She tires more easily and stops and waits for them to hit the turn around. Once she can see them coming, she turns around and starts walking back. Sweetie was quite concerned and kept yelling as she approached "She didn't go all the way!!! she didn't do it all!!!! Muuuuuuuummmm!!!!!!!!!!" LOL so much for not caring about racing huh Sweetie???

Could be an interesting couple of months! They ran a total of 3 km's each, on two different nights this week. Sweetie asked to go out again last night but we had shovelling to do instead!

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