Saturday, December 14, 2013

Tabby's Send Off

I joined the nearby gym when the kids started preschool. They were 4 and it was time to get rid of more of that baby weight!

So I went. With NO clue what do there, how to use the machines or anything. So I floated around and just randomly did stuff. Unless I got bored, then I stopped and moved on to another machine I didn't really know how to operate. Sometimes I just stuck to the treadmills because those had auto settings and didn't require anything complicated. I didn't know anyone there and everyone else seemed to know what they were doing and had a plan and everything. I just tried to pretend I wasn't a gym moron and kept my head down and hoped no one noticed I was faking it. Bad exercise is better than no exercise right?

I'd try one machine, do a few reps but if anyone was nearby I'd move on before my facade was busted! Eventually I decided to check out one of the group exercise classes in the evenings. Circuit class sounded interesting so I came at the appointed time and walked into the exercise studio. Imagine my utter horror and panic when I stepped into a room with all guys and a guy instructor. The place was full of mirrors with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. If I turned and ran out, everyone was going to notice. As I frantically considered my options, everyone said hello and welcome etc etc etc. Then I was trapped. I was still trying to figure out how to escape and freaking out as to how hard a class it was going to be if only guys attended, when Tabby walked in. Thank you God for sending me a girl!!! Wait. She's built like the GI Joe of fitness, but I'll take her! I don't remember talking to her that day but I was incredibly glad she was there. I think there might have been another female or two but Tabby's the one that made the biggest impression.

Over time we ended up in more and more classes together and would get on the treadmills together, hop on the rowing machines together to "go fishing". The circuit class instructor called us "Team TK" and would hang out between our 2 treadmills and chat with us sometimes and keep us entertained.

Tabby has a young daughter and a son who's just a bit older than my girls so we always had lots of mom stuff & life stuff to talk about. She brought me her daughter's outgrown clothes and gave me lots of healthy eating tips. I kept her entertained with my goofy commentaries and brought her extra dessert (she does not bake, crazy!!!!!) She also knew that gym like the back of her hand and made sure I worked out properly.

Eventually she got her personal training designation and got certified to teach fitness classes too. I was her first guinea pig when she had to practice. I think I failed all the fitness tests except the stretching one! Letting your friend measure your fat with calipers in front of a male witness/examiner is true love let me tell ya!

Although I missed having her all to myself to joke around with during class, I loved her classes and she could always get more effort out of me than anyone else. She knew me too well to let me get away with any slacking and would call me out immediately! Mine was the first name that anyone new to class would learn. "C'mon Kelly, you're NOT done!" I would get her back with my own comments and she could only shake her head and laugh at my antics.

Then she decided to start up a spin class and asked if I'd come try it out. I couldn't refuse her so I went. I didn't much care for it but there were only 2 of us so I couldn't NOT go or she'd have almost nobody and they might cancel the class on her if attendance was low. So I went. and went and went. It didn't feel very productive, I didn't think I was getting much exercise just sitting on a bike and pedaling. Then one day I walked by a mirror and noticed how red in the face I was. By George, it actually was work! Instant convert. I never missed spin again if I could help it. The class grew and grew to the point that you had to phone in and reserve your bike or there weren't any available by class time.

Then she started teaching Pilates and Yoga. Pilates I loved. Yoga I didn't. Another instructor saw me after my first (and last) Yoga class and asked me "how did you like Yoga?" I admitted I hadn't enjoyed it. She smiled knowingly and said she didn't think all that "staying still and being quiet" would work out well for me. Ha ha! I stuck with the other stuff but let Yoga go on without me, she had lots of people for that one and wasn't in danger of getting dropped.

Last summer she started an outdoor running/circuit class. Ever seen me run? Ever see a cow in a hurry??? about the same, just add spandex. I was THE worst runner in the group. Tabby would run double, going back and forth to keep track of the group ahead and then checking to make sure I hadn't quit and gone home! By the end of the summer I could run all the stretches in between the stations. I saved her from geese attacks and we all bolted back to the building once when we came across bear tracks in the wet mud that HADN'T been there on our way out! So many outdoor adventures and so many funny moments and so much fun.

I loved every class she taught and would go 3 times a day if I got to work out with her. (Why am I not a size 10 already you ask right??? remember that baking thing? yep. I'd go home and undo all her hard work but she loved me anyway!)

Recently the gym was bought and new owners came in and after checking out the changes in the lay of the land, Tabby decided to give notice and explore fitness career options elsewhere. While I'm heartbroken that my gym girlfriend is moving on, I'm rooting for her as she'll be an awesome addition wherever she goes. Plus we can still hike and bike and ski between classes. She can't totally give me up, I have all those good treats she likes!

After a few nights of waking up in the wee hours all sad and weepy, I decided we needed to pay tribute to all her efforts to get the best out of us in each and every class. She had so many key phrases that would motivate us and keep us pushing through even the hardest of her classes. We were a consistent, friendly and fun loving bunch who liked to work hard and have a good time doing it. Other regulars to the gym would use the treadmill during spin class and tune in to the channel that Tabby used for her mike and follow the crazy discussions and comments and she'd catch them laughing along with us at all the funny parts. That's how much fun we had with her.

So I got my Martha Stewart on and fired up the inkjet printer to decorate each bike with its own Tabbyism. Then I created this lovely sash and made her wear it. I thought I'd finished it when Honey saw it and said "aren't you going to put any GLITTER on it?!?!??" I quicky raided their craft drawer and corrected the oversight. I also tied a happy face helium balloon to her seat and strung streamers all over her bike. Tabby isn't much into the girly girl stuff so making a pink glittery beauty pageantlike sash was perfect. She shook her head and said "well I'm glad it's a fitness related title at least!" and kept it on the whole class. The other gym patrons walked by and smiled at all our crazy decor. We managed to keep lively and upbeat until the very end during the stretches and then the tears started. Not everyone could make it for class and one of the regulars had just had her baby a few days before and Tabby commented during class that "if only Kari could have made it!" Little did she know I'd messaged Kari and shared the bad news of Tabby's leaving and asked for help remember the Tabbyisms and let her know we were taking Tabby out for a drink after class. Just as we were finishing up, Kari & her husband walked in with the new baby and surprised her. It was perfect!

We wiped tears and pulled ourselves together for a group photo (only for this girl would I be caught dead in a picture in workout gear!)

Love you Tabby and thank you for keeping me in line (as best you could! no one has ever done a better job!) and always listening, encouraging and making the gym a fun place to be!

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