Saturday, December 14, 2013

Vehicular Challenges!

While we were still waiting to find out about the van, we got another warning light on Subaruba. I was driving the girls to school when this ABS warning popped up. The brakes seemed fine and the mechanics always say that if it's yellow it's just a "check it out" warning and not a "STOP THE CAR IMMEDIATELY!" warning.

I phoned to check on it and the guy that answered said "oh no you only have the one vehicle now don't you?" Our situation must be awfully bad when the mechanics are pitying you! He told me I was fine to drive and that the brakes still work even without the ABS feature. Good enough for me! I don't want any other bad vehicle news!!! The next time I started the car it wasn't on and hasn't been seen since. Good riddance I say!

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