Saturday, March 31, 2007

Imelda Marcos, look out!

Is it healthy for a 2½ year old to have a fetish already? She's got some is-shoes! Sometimes she insists on her 'dancing shoes' (shiny white patent leather, makes lovely clickety clacks when stomping on kitchen floor). Lately it's her 'slippers' that she insists on. Mary Kate &
Ashley shoes I got at one of the multiples clothing sales. The previous owner never got to wear them as they were too small when her mom brought them home from a trip. Well! we're making up for lost time, she's worn them enough for 2 kids! If we don't manage to convince her to take them off, she will SLEEP with them on. In the middle of the night she'll wake up crying because they've gotten too tight. However, when I try to take them off, she flexes her foot and tries to pull away to try and foil my efforts! IN HER SLEEP! If we do get them off before bedtime, she will crying out "my SLIPPERS! I neeeeeeeeeed my slippers!!!!" I mean they're definitely lovely shoes & I'm glad I forked out the $6 for them (a seemingly lavish sum at the time!) but does anyone really need footwear 24/7??? She seems to think she does.


Anonymous said...

far be it for me to call that unusual behaviour... my child wears a "Steve shirt" (looks just like the one that Steve on Blue's Clues wears) as often as he can. It's in all our christmas photos this year because he wore it to every Christmas event we attended. It was also very expensive (more than $6!) but so long as I don't mind people thinking our child has one shirt it's been well worth the money.
My weeding factor for these issues is "Is this going to be a problem when they're 18?". For this, I say not. (besides, don't they say Einstein wore an identical set of clothes every day?)


KelMur & Co. said...

Well now I have to go dig out your Christmas card & check out the shirt!!