Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Wednesday Stuff

Yay Wednesday! We went to playgroup and a great time was had by all. There are now several Little Tikes cars so everyone gets more frequent turns AND one of them is purple so it is just perfect for Miss H who will pass up a turn in the red car & wait for her favourite to become available. They were disappointed when it was time to go & were reluctant to put on coats & boots until everyone else had left & all the toys were put away. Then and only then did I convince them it was time to go.
Another sunny day so we went outside to play. I think it's so great for them to be outdoors more, get the fresh air & just run around. They helped me carry the remaining branches from the cedar bush & dump them in the woods. They love to help and are quite happy to tramp around the yard with me, whatever I'm working on.
I'm trying to get the camera out daily & practice with these confounded manual settings. I have the theory that if I just keep doing it over and over, it will eventually come naturally and there won't be so much fiddling around & I'll be able to shoot on the fly! Sometimes I get good results and sometimes they're a flop and I still don't seem to be able to "plan" the good ones. Thank goodness for digital, I don't have to worry about wasting film on my crap shoot approach!!
My Honey

My Lovey
My Sweetie

I thought I'd play around with the editing software & see how black & white looked. I always find it so striking when others do it. But when I try it? It's just a colourless photo...

Blow me a kiss Honey!

I was trying to get Honey to smile without giving me the big "CHEESE" look. I decided I'd ask her a question. "Who makes you happy Honey?" I expected that she'd think of her favourite stuffed animal, Baa-bee and that it would bring a natural smile to her face. Instead, she very seriously replied "My Sweetie" awwwww!!!

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