Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Desperate Times...

Yesterday Murray still wasn't feeling better and actually stayed home from the office (yet still managed to work half the day via email!) and it just seemed crazy here. The kids are much better, but not completely so. We're still dealing with a lot of fussiness, whininess and the attitude is really getting to be a bit much to handle. The constant indoor thing might have something to do with it too but oy yoy yoy, it just seemed intense!

The tv watching has been unlimited as no one has had the energy to do much else and we haven't been going anywhere. The novelty of this is starting to wear off and they're looking for something else to do. Out of desperation, I decided to pull out the FPP's as my husband's friend calls them. Murray had fallen asleep downstairs so I lured them up in hopes of keeping them occupied and quiet for a bit. I'd been trying to answer an email for a couple of hours but with so many "situations" I couldn't get through ONE message. I dug everything out. Everything. the hotel. the house/shopping mall/whatever it is thingy, the accessories, allllllllll the dolls. Within two minutes there was a fight. I don't remember what it was about but it involved a lot of screaming and a time out for someone I think.

Today we had to get out. I took them to a matinee at the mall. With that on the horizon, everyone was very happy this morning. Plus I had that to hold over them until we went. "Saucy girls don't go to the movies. Screaming girls don't go to the movies." etc. It totally worked. They only get to the theatre once or twice a year so they weren't taking any chances!

They're still coughing a lot & sneezing amazing volumes of well, uh, you know. Lovey was exhausted after we got home and curled up in the lazyboy for a nap. After supper they played for awhile and were all ready for bed at 7pm. A WHOLE HOUR EARLIER than normal.

I haven't been to the gym for a week. I almost went tonight but I still have a bit of a cough in my chest and a bit on the tired side as well so don't want to push it and figured one more night off won't do any harm.

Murray was feeling a bit better today so went in to work but made the concession of taking the car so that's saying something right there.

Looks like we still need a bit of rest!

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