Thursday, March 5, 2009

Semi Normal

Today was good!!!!!!!! I think the girls are feeling much better, although still coughing occasionally. Their moods were much better today at least. They played for awhile this morning, then we got ready & went to the library. They behaved perfectly & picked out lots of stuff to bring home. Then we went & picked up my cousin Weez and we all went to McD's for lunch. They ate pretty well & were raring to hit the playland thing but did get tired after about an hour in there. I thought they'd crash out on the way home but they didn't.

Not only were they still awake when we got to the house, they didn't want to go inside. They did run in but just to jump into their snowpants and then we played outside for quite awhile with Weez. They had a blast and there wasn't one freak out, no tears and not a bit of whining. They just played.

When we went in, we baked some smartie cookies and they greatly enjoyed that process. They always like to bake but getting to count out the smarties and jam them in the cookies on the tray is highly entertaining. I could just dump them all in the mixer & let the machine distribute them through the dough but they enjoy it so much that I only put half in & let them add some to each cookie. My only problem is that dough is too freakin' tasty & I end up eating waaaaaaaaaaay too many cookies before they're even baked!

Once the cookies were all in the oven, I whipped the kids into the tub and got them cleaned up & all the playland grime off. (they had to wash their hands for cookie duty though so you're safe if you come over for a snack!)

Weez stayed for supper & then I took her back into town when I went to choir practice. She was disappointed that she couldn't sleep over and let me know that I still "owed" her! She has an early hockey game tomorrow, otherwise she could have. I'm sure we can handle her company again though so a sleepover shouldn't be a problem. The girls were disappointed that she was going home too.

Murray's starting to feel a bit better but his cough is naaaaaaaaaaaaaaasty. He's worn his throat raw. He suspected this from all the blood that's coming up. He confirmed this with a high powered flashlight and the mirror. He's having another early night so hopefully all this extra & uncharacteristic rest will do the trick. Luckily this was a light week for hockey and he's only had to miss one game.

We seem to have survived another week & Grammie comes tomorrow, wooooohooooooooo!!!!!! Three cheers for my mum!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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