Sunday, March 1, 2009

well don't that just beat all!

The weekend's over and other than running errands yesterday & going to church this morning, I still have hardly seen the outside world. Someone commented that they were amazed that I still update the blog when we're all sick. That's because I'm so desperate for any kind of contact!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))) So feel free to comment, comment, comment so I'm not just talking to myself cuz I'm getting a little bored with that this week!

Murray has barely been out of bed all day. He slept til I left for church with Honey and shortly after lunch he crashed again til supper time and only because Honey was screaming. Honey went straight to bed after we got home from church and also slept til supper time. At which point she woke up screaming in pain about her head but then changed it to her ear. Her fever was up a bit so it's likely an infection but she refused any medication at all so I gave her the cold thing for her forehead and then after awhile I took her back to her bedroom & laid down with her & she fell asleep again and hasn't budged much since. She woke about half an hour ago for a few minutes & we changed her into pj's (still had her dress & tights on from church). She mentioned that her ear felt better but that might only be a temporary reprieve. These things don't normally heal themselves. I phoned our doctor's office to see what her hours are this week but she's off tomorrow so that means either a trip to emergency or the after hours "walk in and catch something worse than what you came in for" clinic. A friend gave me a couple home remedy tricks that have helped her & her son that might get us through the night if it flares up so it's nice to have something to fall back on. I don't feel quite so helpless/useless here.

Murray's not able to sleep anymore, his headache is too painful and the Aspirin he took is doing nothing for it. The Tylenol I took worked for me but he prefers the other. His head is much bigger though so hard to say what works on a noggin like that! :) hee hee!

This week has been so exhausting that I can't remember when I bathed the kids last so since I felt pretty good today, I threw the awake ones in for a good long soak. I was hoping they'd put on their pettiskirts and we could take some pictures but Sweetie had a screaming crying fit about it for 20 minutes (15 of which I wasn't even down there for, she just stayed in the bathroom screaming that she didn't want to wear the skirt while I was upstairs already taking Lovey's pictures in hers!) Then Honey woke up with her ear troubles and that was pretty much the end of my photoshoot today. Sweetie eventually did come upstairs with her outfit on but only long enough to get to her room to ditch it in favour of something else. stinker.
here's her wardrobe suggestion :P

Lovey & Sweetie both went to bed early and I've been biding my time, thinking I'd get all sorts of organizing done with my pictures. I haven't backed anything up or printed anything in AGES but lookie there, it's after 10:30 and I don't want to push things so I'm turning in soon. Oh well, productivity can wait for another day can't it????????


Anonymous said...

Wish I could tell you that it's a 24 hour flu, but you already know that that's not true.
It put your Mother out of commission for a week and I had 3 miserable days followed by a couple more that weren't a lot better.
Sorry that we couldn't help you out.

KelMur & Co. said...

it does take its sweet time clearing out, that's for sure. We're doing ok though & you've already helped us so much when we needed it so much more. You're off the hook (til another 50 beans come along anyway :).