Saturday, April 28, 2007

Training Complete!!!!

Well, pretty darn close I'd say. All 3 girls are in panties full time during the day and ever since their flu epidemic cleared up, there've been almost no accidents. I am soooooooo excited to have finally reached this stage.

We've been putting them on the toilet since they were 6 months old but I think it has paid off. I would have liked to have tried the EC method with a singleton to see if it really works but it just wasn't feasible to do it justice with 3 at a time. It was a lot of extra time in the bathroom and but we're now done so in my opinion, it was worth it. I was here all day every day anyway, what difference if I spent an extra 10 minutes in the bathroom or if I was in the living room instead?

When I first talked to the local triplet moms who had kids that were 3, 2 & 1, none of them were trained at all and everything I'd read on triplet connection seemed to indicate that no one started trying to potty train until the triplets were 3 or 4 years old. I groaned at the thought of up to 2 extra years of buying, changing and throwing away diapers. Mum said my brother & I were both trained before we turned 2 so I didn't see any reason I should wait til they were FOUR! Besides, if they say it can't be done, then I've got to try and take that challenge!!!

I know not everyone agrees on this subject and to each her own. I realized that training 3 at once would be a little harder than just working on a singleton so decided I wouldn't really aim for age 2. I figured I deserved an extra six months to accomplish the task. Other than Honey, I failed to meet my deadline! When she put it all together before her 2nd birthday I was thrilled & was sure it would only be a short while before Lovey & Sweetie followed suit. They all hit the other milestones within a month or so of each other, surely this would be the same??? But alas, it didn't happen that way. Some things just take more time than others I guess. I'm so proud of how well they're all doing now. Outings are worry free as long as we make sure to make a pit stop every hour or so. Maybe soon I can stop lugging the diaper bag???

Now the bad part is that Sweetie is starting to get the idea that she doesn't need to wear a diaper at night time either. Two nights when I was out this week, Murray couldn't convince her otherwise and then a couple hours after she fell asleep, he'd take her to pee and then put the diaper on. Tonight she was pretty adamant until I told her Sarah didn't want to get peed on & wouldn't sleep with her if she was wearing panties. Lucky for me Sarah's such a hard ass! Sweetie didn't question it & quickly gave up the panties & requested a diaper. Hopefully Sarah will be able to retain this air of authority for awhile. I did buy two vinyl fitted sheets today though, just in case that rabbit lets me down!!!

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