Sunday, March 16, 2008

Palm Sunday

We managed to get to church on time although I was a bit later than I was supposed to be for the last run through of the cantata. (9:45 just isn't reasonable for us to arrive at church!!) Despite my lack of practice that morning, the cantata went well & people really seemed to enjoy it. I got a lot of comments that people didn't know who I was & thought I was a new member because of my new hairdo!

We had gorgeous weather again today so immediately after lunch we got everyone outside to soak up as much sunshine as possible. They didn't even fight getting their gear on today, they saw the sun & felt the warmth when we got home from church & were actually keen to go out themselves. We just played in the backyard but they enjoyed searching for treasure & trying to keep it away from the pirates who wear two eyepatches (like, how hard could that be??). We played tag, had a snowball fight & some snow wrestling before packing up to head to M&D's for supper where we had yet another delicious meal.

After supper the girls got their snowpants on again and made a run for the field with GranGrad. Lovey was hoping to find a golfball like she does in the summer time but we were skeptical. GranGrad however didn't want to disappoint her & he "helped" her find one that had somehow made it's way up through 3 feet of icepacked snow to the surface! The girls ran all over, squealing and giggling as they played hide n seek in the wells around the evergreens. We used our very best tracking skills and found them & raced them back to the car where they then climbed and slid on the snowbanks for another few minutes. (Sweetie: I wonder if I can slide down this on one foot!)

We eventually managed to get them in the car & rushed home for a late bedtime but they didn't take long to conk out. Hopefully they'll stay that way for several more hours!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi: Looks like fun, but please dont try to save it any longer. I am getting worried about coming home!!!! Who is that straight-redhaired,red lipsticked,hussey, playing in the snow??