Wednesday, March 21, 2007

For a minute, I was SOMEBODY again!

I have a cousin who used to think I was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Well hopefully I have more than one but I'm referring to the one who plays the violin. When he was little, we had soooooooo much fun & ohhh the status I had! Then he got older and I wasn't so amazing anymore, eventually he got all teenager-ish and hardly even glances my way anymore. But every now & then he throws me a bone. Shortly after he turned 16 he tracked me down at church to show me his beginners. Since he had no idea where I'd be, I knew he had to have put some effort into that. I was soooo excited that he wanted to share that with me. It was just a quick flash though and then he was off, back to his aloof self. But tonight, I sat and talked to him & we actually had a whole conversation!! He was paying attention to me and I was eating it up with a spoon, terrified I'd blow it, say the wrong thing and he'd shut down. I was surprised to hear him say he's never liked playing that violin at all even though he plays beautifully. I can only imagine how it'd sound if he actually liked playing!

He mostly studied his shoes while we talked but I'll take what I can get. He's never going to be an adoring 2 year old again so I'll have to content myself with these occasional moments. : ) This is probably good practice for when the girls realize their mummy isn't a super hero.... but don't anyone tell them just yet please?


Unknown said...

There's definitely more than one of us :)

KelMur & Co. said...

Thanks Kate! I appreciate that, I love all you guys and I'm sad that my girls won't have the wonderful memories I do of all our crazy cousin fun! Everybody should have at least 20 like we do!! xoxo

Shawna said...

Okay, Kelly, I have to admit that I laughed out loud reading that the newly 16 yr old tracked you down to show you his "beginners"! Not having any idea what beginners are I just had fun with it. Then that "it was just a quick flash and he was off"! ROTFLMAO!!! In Wisconsin our minds go south after a long cold winter!


KelMur & Co. said...

Shawna! Oh my! I do love my cousins, and I'm not sure what you've heard about us folk north of the border, but we're not THAT kind of family!!! Did you read the part that we were in CHURCH???? A 'beginners' is the learners permit for driving that you start out with!! LOL
